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Counselors in the Area
Below is a list of licensed mental health counselors in the area near Bellefontaine, Ohio. We are unable to keep up with availability of each counselor so please contact them to see if they are accepting new clients at this time. Also, please utilize your local Pastor as an option for Pastoral Counseling.
Check for their complete list of providers in Logan and Champaign Counties
Website/Book Resources by Topic
Book Healing ADD by Daniel Amen, M.D.
ADD type test website
Eating Disorders
The Emily Program
- with Dr. Susan Albers
Grief Share support group
The Compassionate Friends (supporting family after a child dies)
Book Bearing the Unbearable by Joanne Cacciatore, PhD
Anxiety and OCD Support Youtube channel by Natasha Daniels
Natasha also has AT Parenting Survival Podcast
Marriage/Relationship Help
Vows to Keep Ministries offers Marriage Counseling
Leslie Vernick website
The Gottman Institute
Support for Family of individuals with Mental Illness
NAMI of Logan County Facebook page
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